The name “Shih Tzu” means lion, but there is nothing wild about the dog breed. Shih Tzu is a lover. He is not a hunter.
The Shih Tzu is an Asian dog breed indigenous to Tibet, with their short snouts and large, round eyes, ever-growing fur, floppy ears, and fast, stocky posture. They have been recognized for their most fun and playful characters. They are relaxed and certainly friendly temperament. They’ve been unique and different dogs who adjust well to any situation.
History of Shih Tzu Breed
The origins of Shih Tzu are ancient and steeped in controversy and secret. A recent study tells that Shih Tzu is among the oldest 14 dog breeds.
Shih Tzu originated from the cross between the Pekingese and also the Lhasa Apso. Dogs were a favorite of Chinese royalty and were so beloved that the Chinese declined to offer, trade, or offer away for decades.
The very first standard European breed was drawn up in England in 1935 because of the Shih Tzu Club, while the dogs were again classified as Shih Tzu. The breed spread throughout Europe and was imported towards the united states of America after World War II. In documents, some paintings, and engravings, references to dogs reappear from AD 990 to AD 994. in manuscripts, some paintings and engravings.
Information on of Shih Tzu Breed
Height | Dogs 20-30cm (7.9-11.0in) Bitches 20-28cm (7.9-11.0in) |
Weight | 4-7.5 kg (8.8 -16.5 lb) |
Life span | Average 12 years |
Breed Size | Height 8-11 in Weight 4-7 kg |
Nature | Happy, Affectionate, Playful and friendly |
Average Price | INR-30,000-35,000 |
Highlights of Shih Tzu Dog Breed
- The Shih Tzu is simply a puppy with an appropriate intense, solid buildup. In inclusion, the physical body period of this type of breed is slightly greater than its level.
- Shih Tzus are difficult to flee. Be consistent, and don’t let the puppy roam the homely residence unattended until it’s trained. Cage education helps to discipline this breed.
- All types of dogs have a purpose. Typically, the purpose of the Shih Tzu would be to become a great companion. This breed likes to be with you all the time. Therefore, try not to anticipate every one of them to hunt, shield, or scavenge.
- The flat design of Shih Tzu’s face makes it vulnerable to warm swing, as the atmosphere entering the lungs just isn’t cooled since efficiently, just like types with long noses. They should be held inside in air-conditioned spaces in warm weather.
- Prepare to brush and comb the Shih Tzu coat. The fur indeed gets tangled daily quickly.
- The Shih Tzu tends to pant and snore and can be prone to dental issues.
- While dogs of all breeds can eat their droppings which are often unique compared to other animals (coprophagia), the Shih Tzu seem particularly at risk of this behavior. They are simpler to deal with.
Appearance of Shih Tzu Dog
Shih Tzu’s faces are often compared to chrysanthemum plants because of the understood fact of his facial hair fanatics, which seems like petals in each way, such as in the front of their eyes. Their appearances are very different, including luxurious, floor-sweeping coats, accessible in many color combinations, usually with black, tan, or white markings, such as a gap in the foreheads labeled as the Star of Buddha.
Their unique benign spherical eyes, trusting demeanor, and tiny, small stature offer them the development of a cuddly plush pet. Their moderate nature has given this dog popularity for more than 100 years.
The appearance of Shih Tzu are given below-
1. Eyes-They have large, spherical black eyes having the trusting gaze.
2. Nose-They have black with extensive nostrils.
3. Coat Length-The Shih Tzu’s high-priced coating is certainly double sweeps a floor; their locks are usually instantly but can be curly and silky to touch.
4. Coat Color-Their coats are available in numerous colors (like black and white or gold and white) with markings in front and back. They may also have a white marking on their head, affectionately called the Star of Buddha.
5. Tail-Their tail is ready excessive on their backs and curls nearer to the front.
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Characteristics of Shih Tzu
- You’ll typically realize that Shih Tzus are well suited for home when you’ve got other puppies. They rarely have problems with other dogs and creatures, which will be precisely why they create outstanding bonds even when they have kitties.
- Although these dogs possess a personality that is undoubtedly cheerful and they enjoy being around people. They don’t want to be alone after all. It is essential to hire your dog sitter or have someone take the dogs out for a duration if you work extended hours or intend to go on a journey.
- The Shih Tzu is calm, hot-tempered, and luxuriate in tasks, and can be moderate. They’ve been exceptional pets for children. Plus, they don’t genuinely have prey that will help you to be confident. As long as your kids are ok with dogs, they will not harm or create a problem.
- The Shih Tzu dog breed is among the friendliest in the marketplace.
- Shih Tzu thinks they are larger and get ready to accept the massive dog themselves. They get prepared to jump in the battle.
- Shih Tzu is among the few playful dogs. They often score unbiased happiness rankings. They are usually energetic even in old age.
Size of Shih Tzu Dog
Both Male and females are 9- 10.5inches tall and weigh 9-16 pounds. This breed will grow to adult size between your nine and 12-month mark, though some will grow up a little by 15 months. Owners certainly need to keep in mind that the number of measurements of a Shih Tzu healthy size range should be (9-16) pounds.
Life Span of Shih Tzu
The life span expectancy of this Shih Tzu is 10 to 16 years; the typical is 13 years. It is an approximation, and you may constantly find exclusions. Many tzu that die in their teenagers and many survive through their mid-teens. The earliest reported life span of Shih Tzu was indeed 23 years old.
The age of 13 could be the mean life for dogs. In the USA, puppies stay fit for an average of 12.6 years aside from trauma. Sometimes when trauma demise is regarded as, it falls to 11.1 years.
Health tips for Shih Tzu
The Shih Tzu possesses an entire life span of 10 to 18 years and certainly will be susceptible to many different health conditions. Knowing about future health issues is essential to help your pup live the most meaningful life possible.
- Bone and Joint Problems: Shih Tzus suffer from a quantity of bone and joint problems, including patellar dislocation and hip dysplasia.
Patellar luxation will be the symptom for the reason that your kneecap slips. Mild cases can usually be treated with joint disease medication, although surgery provides relief.
Hip dysplasia prevents the hip joints from developing precisely and leads to arthritis. A veterinarian will make utilization of x-rays to spot it and discover the correct course of treatment to avoid further vexation and discomfort if the Shih Tzu is having difficulty getting up or pulling its back feet. In severe instances, surgery is a choice.
- Ear Infections: The Shih Tzu puppy can suffer from ear attacks due to the fur that grows in the ears. The signs are generally red, itchy, or ears which can be swollen. Your veterinarian can recommend medications, including topical antibiotics, to take care of the disease.
- Skin Problems: Shih Tzus may have microbial skin and seems like pimples around the chin area. Treatment generally includes getting rid of the contaminated lotion, bathing the puppy with medicated shampoo, then working with it aware of anti-bacterial ointment and medicine until the illness subsides.
- Kidney Disease – Just in case the Shih Tzu has passed down glomerulonephropathy; their kidneys may fail at a young age. You can have your pet’s furry urine tested for extra protein yearly, which can be typically an illustration of this disease.
How to Take Care of Shih Tzu Breed
There are lots of methods to care for your Shih Tzu health. However, these eight suggestions would be the simplest to stick regularly-
- Look at your Pet for Back Issues-Consider signs or symptoms of discomfort that advise inflammation. Straight back pain is most likely for the outcomes of a bulging or disc that is sliding.
- Maintain your dog clean to shield from bugs-Your precious dog needs to be kept clean to prevent insects from entering its fur. It is suggested that dogs bathe regularly and brush each of the hair and coat daily.
With tweezers, remove all of the bugs from your dog. If you notice ticks while you are cleaning and brushing your Shih Tzu, grab them all.
- Providing Clean Water Daily-Ideally, you would serve your Shih Tzu filtered water.They are merely some of the chemical pollutants which are allowed in plain regular water. Filtered water is always healthier for your puppy.
- Serve a Quality Dog Food- Diet is all that is needed to keep your Shih Tzu healthier. Pick the undoubtedly best puppy food, and you can afford. Excellent food assists in maintaining your pet healthy. Equally valuable nutritional requirements, puppies need the proper amount of nutrition.
- Schedule a check-up frequently with your veterinarian-Although your dog is fully vaccinated. It would help if you had frequent check-ups for your dog.
If issues are identified early, the probability of recovery is better.
- Exercise-All dogs need exercise, & most Shih Tzu can do most of their exercise needs by playing indoors or running once throughout the house.
Nutrition Requirement For Shih Tzu
Good Quality of nutrition for the Shih Tzu Diet should be considered.
Dogs are easily inclined to be overweight than other puppies; too many carbs may not be recommended in the diet.
These dogs need to have a significant amount of necessary protein to start with healthy chicken, turkey, and egg supper. It is the main kind of needed essential protein for a Tzu, much like other puppies.
Sweet potatoes, oats, rice, and barley is healthier types of carbs that Shih Tzus need. Vegetables get to guard the mineral and supplement requirements.
With your veterinarian’s guidance and approval, the Shih Tzu should eat excellent quality food, either commercially made or made at home. Any diet needs to be ideal for your dog’s age (puppy, person, or older).
Ask your veterinarian about the dogs who have any problems with the puppy’s diet or body weight. The clean, fresh liquid should be made available at all times.
Recommended meals: Offal (liver, heart), Fish And Shellfish, White Chicken, Lamb, Blueberries, Sweet Potato, Green Beans, Sweet Peas, Carrots, White grain, etc.
Meals to Avoid: Chocolate and raisins, onions, Coffee and tea, sodium, soft drink, bones, and kernels.
Grooming tips for Shih Tzu
Brushing your dog will deflate their fur, help them be healthy and strong, and remove old, damaged hair. Grooming also ensures that your dog’s skin can inhale and fur low. Too oil makes much clog pores and cause irritation and all forms of skin issues.
- A Shih Tzu with lengthy fur must be brushed daily. For top-quality grooming, use a great brush with versatile pins; layer the hair to make sure it reaches the skin layer.
- Washing every 3 to 4 weeks helps to keep up with the neat and clean Layer. Ensure to comb mustache and bun daily, and carefully wipe the corners associated with a damp cloth to eyes.
- The hair on the top of the head or trimmed within a bun guard Shih Tzu’s eye against irritation.
- Shih Tzu’s nails should be trimmed month-to-month, and their unique ears should be examined weekly for swell, redness, or any scent that could show contamination.
- Hair develops within the ear canal and sometimes needs plucking if the dog features many ear infections.
Many small breeds are prone to dental dilemmas, and Shih Tzu is not exempt: taking care of teeth is essential. Frequently brush with a soft toothbrush to keep your puppy smiling. Use Puppy toothpaste as it keeps your puppy’s gums and teeth healthy.
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Exercise For Shih Tzu
Taking your dog for 10- 20-minute daily walks will keep their bodies fit and their features amused. Watch out for signs or symptoms of exhaustion like severe panting or lying down underneath.
Due to their mildly mild to temperature nature, avoid the hottest times for walk and when it comes to walks, make sure to take some water along.
Conversely, you will need to embellish their coat to cool when you get sweaty enough due to heat.
Some of the ideas for exercise are –
- Make Them Run-One simple way to ensure your dog’s heart rate is ready to go is to get him to run. Please give them a basketball when you’re trapped indoors. Try to make him run on the lawn, then head out and throw. Throw Balls in a hall or space that is large. Keep away anything that can break.
- Hide and Seek- Not only will a game of hiding and seek to ensure your dog to be around the house and yard, but however it may also get his brain working, which can be great for maintaining him entertained if you’re stuck at home throughout the day.Hide a few of your pet’s favorite treats inside a readily available space, house, or yard. Start to make them learn how to have the treat straight back – you may need to guide them to the first few treats to learn. Start with simple to get and gradually get more challenging.
- Set Up an Obstacle Training Course-Create a safe but enjoyable route through your home that forces your dog to climb up and crawl over and under hurdles, brand-new trails to find out, and much more. Use containers, develop tunnels and leaps, and encourage them to roam and cross the obstacles. It will get your heart rushing as well as your brain working.
Price of Shih Tzu’s in India
Cities | Price |
Delhi | INR 28,000-50,500 |
Mumbai | INR 28,500-50,000 |
Bangalore | INR 30,500-50,500 |
Kolkata | INR 29,500-48,000 |
Chennai | INR 29,500-48,000 |
Pune | INR 25,000-42,500 |
Hyderabad | INR 30,000-50,000 |
Ahmedabad | INR 29,500-48,500 |
How to Find Shih Tzu’s in India?
Buying such an expensive dog can sometimes give you a huge loss, if you fail to deal with an authentic company. Before buying a dog, you must search about the best pet companies in India. You can also Visit to find the healthiest and the authentic Dog breeds in India. Pat my pets is one of the leading companies dealing in pets and providing the best breed to their customers.
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