cats lifespan by breed

The Average Lifespan of a Cat Breed by Breed Chart 1

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Most of us know that cats typically have longer lifespans than dogs, but did you know that there is a wide range in the average lifespan of different cat breeds? For example, Siamese cats live an average of 10-15 years while Maine Coon cats can live up to 20 years or more. In this blog post, we will explore the average lifespan of different cat breeds. We will also provide a helpful chart so that you can compare the lifespan of your favorite feline friend to other breeds.

List of Cat Breed Average Lifespan (Years)
Abyssinian 9-15 Years
American Bobtail 13-15 Years
American Curl 15+ Years
American Shorthair 15-20 Years
American Wirehair 7-12 Years
Australian Mist 14-19 Years
Balinese 18-22 Years
Bengal 12-16 Years
Birman 12-16 Years
Blue Chartreux 12-15 Years
Bombay 15-20 Years
British Shorthair 12+ Years
Burmese 16-18 Years
Burmilla 10-15 Years
California Spangled 9-16 Years
Ceylon Less Than 15 Years
Chantilly-Tiffany 14-16 Years
Colorpoint Shorthair 9-16 Years
Cornish Rex 11-15 years’
Cymric 8-14 Years
Devon Rex 9-15 Years
Domestic 12-14 Years
Egyptian Mau 13-16 Years
European Shorthair 15-22 Years
Exotic Shorthair 12-14 Years
German Rex 10-14 Years
Havana Brown 12-15 years
Himalayan 15+ Years
Japanese Bobtail 15-18 Years
Javanese 10-15 Years
Korat 15+ Years
LaPerm 10-15 Years
Maine Coon 12-15 Years’
Manx 8-14 years
Munchkin 12-14 Years
Nebelung 15-18 Years
Norwegian Forest 14-16 Years
Ocicat 12-15 Years
Oriental 12-15 Years
Persian 15+ Years
Pixiebob Less Than 12 Years
Ragdoll 12-17 Years
Russian Blue 15-20 Years
Scottish Fold Less Than 15 Years
Selkirk Rex 12-15 Years
Siamese 15-20 Years
Siberian 11-15 years
Singapura 9-15 Years
Snowshoe 12-15 Years
Sokoke 9-15 Years
Somali 10-12 Years
Sphynx 13-15 Years
Tonkinese 12-16 Years
Turkish Angora 12-18 Years
Turkish Van 12-17 Years

Cat Life Span

cats have a relatively long life span. The average lifespan of a domestic cat is around 12 to 15 years, though some breeds may live much longer. For example, the Siamese cat breed has an average lifespan of 20 years.

While the life expectancy of a cat largely depends on its breed, there are several other factors that can affect a cat’s lifespan. These include diet, environment, and health conditions. For example, indoor cats typically live longer than outdoor cats because they are not exposed to as many dangers, such as cars, predators, and diseases.

There are many things that you can do to help your cat live a long and healthy life. Providing them with good nutrition and regular veterinary care are essential for keeping them happy and healthy into their golden years.

The average lifespan of popular cat breeds

There are a variety of factors that will affect a cat’s lifespan including diet, environment, and genetics. However, on average, indoor cats live longer than outdoor cats. The following chart lists the average lifespan of popular cat breeds:

1. Siamese: 12-15 years
2. Persian: 14-16 years
3. Sphynx: 8-10 years
4. Manx: 9-13 years
5. Birman: 11-14 years
6. Russian Blue: 10-15 years
7. British Shorthair: 9-13 years

As you can see, there is quite a range in the average lifespan of different cat breeds. Siamese and Russian Blues tend to have the longest lifespans while Sphynx and Manx cats have shorter lifespans. However, these are just averages and individual cats may live significantly longer or shorter lives depending on their individual circumstance.

The average lifespan of less popular cat breeds

The lifespan of a cat is largely dependent on its breed. Some breeds, like the Siamese, are known for their long lives, while others, like the Bengal, have shorter lifespans. The average lifespan of a cat breed can range from 10 to 20 years.

Less popular cat breeds tend to have shorter lifespans than more popular breeds. This is likely due to inbreeding and lack of genetic diversity. These cats are also less likely to receive regular medical care and may be more prone to health problems.

The following is a list of some less popular cat breeds and their average lifespan:

• American Bobtail: 10-12 years
• Birman: 12-14 years
• Cornish Rex: 9-13 years
• Devon Rex: 9-13 years
• Egyptian Mau: 14-16 years
• Himalayan: 9-11 years
• Japanese Bobtail: 12-14 years
• LaPerm: 12-14 years
• Maine Coon: 12-15 years
• Manx: 10-12 years
| Scottish Fold: 9-13 years

How to increase your cat’s lifespan

Lifespan is largely determined by genetics, but there are some things you can do to help your cat live a long and healthy life.

Here are some tips for increasing your cat’s lifespan:

1. Provide them with a nutritious diet.
2. Keep them well groomed.
3. Give them plenty of exercise.
4. Keep their litter box clean.
5. Take them to the vet regularly for check-ups and vaccinations.

Factors that affect a cat’s lifespan

There are many factors that can affect a cat’s lifespan. The average lifespan of a domestic cat is about 15 years, but this can vary depending on the breed of cat. Some breeds, such as Siamese and Persians, tend to live shorter lives than other breeds, like Maine Coons and American Shorthairs.

Diet, exercise, and environment all play a role in how long a cat will live. Cats who are well-fed and have plenty of exercise tend to live longer than those who don’t. Indoor cats also tend to live longer than outdoor cats, since they’re less likely to be exposed to dangers like traffic or predators.

genetics is another important factor in determining a cat’s lifespan. Some genes make cats more susceptible to certain diseases, which can shorten their life expectancy. However, there’s also evidence that certain genes may make some cats more resistant to disease and able to live longer lives.

Average Indoor Cat Lifespan

While the average lifespan of a house cat is around 12 to 20 years, there is considerable variation in lifespans among different cat breeds. For example, the Chartreux breed has an average lifespan of 14 to 16 years while the Siamese breed can live up to 20 years or more.

There are a number of factors that can influence a cat’s lifespan, including diet, exercise, genetic disposition, and environment. For instance, indoor cats generally live longer than outdoor cats because they are less likely to be exposed to dangers like cars, other animals, and diseases.

Additionally, spaying or neutering your cat can also add several years to their life expectancy as it reduces the risk of developing certain cancers. Overall, taking good care of your feline friend and providing them with a loving home can help them enjoy a long and healthy life.

Read More: The Average Lifespan of a Dog Breed by Breed Chart

Average Outdoor Cat Lifespan

The average lifespan of an outdoor cat is about three to five years. cats that live outdoors have a shorter lifespan than indoor cats because they are more exposed to dangers such as traffic, other animals, and weather extremes. Outdoor cats also tend to be less well cared for than indoor cats, so their health may suffer as a result.

How to get Long Life For Your Cat

There are a few things you can do to help your cat live a long, happy life.

First, choose the right breed. Some breeds are known for their longevity, such as Siamese cats.

Second, provide your cat with good nutrition. A healthy diet will help your cat’s body function at its best and ward off disease.

Third, keep your cat active and mentally stimulated. Play with your cat regularly and provide her with toys and scratching posts to keep her amused.

Fourth, take your cat to the vet regularly for check-ups and vaccinations. Early detection and treatment of health problems can make a big difference in your cat’s lifespan.

By following these simple tips, you can help your cat enjoy a long, healthy life.

Useful resources: Cat Grooming Products | Cat Treats Online | Cat Collar Toys Online


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