Pet Grooming Services At Home in Malviya Nagar, Delhi

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Dog Grooming Packages in Malviya Nagar, Delhi

Price of Dog Grooming in Malviya Nagar, Delhi Starts at 700-1250

Fresh Pack



Pampered Pack



Full Grooming



Hair Cut Only



Price of Cat Grooming in Malviya Nagar, Delhi Starts at 750-1150

Fresh Meow Pack



Pampered Meow Pack



Hair Cut Only



How To Get Best Pet Grooming Service in Malviya Nagar

The 4 Steps to Get Best Pets Grooming Service Near You At your Doorstep in Malviya Nagar, Delhi

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Basic grooming service for pets

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Get Pet grooming in Malviya Nagar Near You

During the summers, your pet needs extra care and cleaning, which is all for regular pet grooming in Malviya Nagar. Summers decrease the chances of catching infections due to dirt accumulation on the coats or gunk in the nails. 

Pet’s ears and eyes get dirty often in summer, and regular cleaning is essential to protect them from diseases. Similarly, bowel movements are most affected in summer due to excessive heat. 

So, In the summer, you must often book pet grooming in Malvyanagar. If you find it hectic to take your pet to a salon after every six weeks for grooming, you can book the pet grooming at your home. Patmypets offers pet grooming in Malvyanagar at your home. 

Why do pets require frequent pet grooming in Malvyanagar during the summer? 

Here are the reasons that you need to book regular pet grooming in Malvyanagr, Delhi, during the summers: 

  • Higher chances of infection 

Summer gives birth to many infections due to sweat and scorching heat. The parasites get favorable conditions to grow on the pet’s body, leading to various parasitic diseases. Pet grooming in Malvyanagar bath the furball with the best shampoos and products to free them from infectious agents. 

  • Summer invites more bugs and fleas.

In summer, pets catch more fleas and ticks than in other seasons. They get attached to your furbaby when you take them to the playground for walks. Regular pet grooming in Malvyanagar helps your pet get rid of Ticks and fleas by brushing your pet’s coat and deep cleaning. 

  • Fur and paws get dirty often.

You will notice that your furbaby frequently gets dirty fur and paws in the summer. This is because they spend most of their evening playing outside in fresh air to get relief from the heat. The dirt gets on their fur and paws. Regular grooming sessions remove dirt and gunk from their body and paws and make them clean and hygienic. 

  • Heat strokes 

Pets are more prone to heat strokes during summer due to their long hair and scorching sun. It is essential to trim your pet’s hairs short in summer regularly and don’t let them grow long. This helps in beating the heat. Pet groomers know which haircut will suit according to the season. So, book pet grooming in Malvyanagar often to help your pet be safe from heat strokes.


At Patmypets, full cat grooming session charges range from Rs. 750-1150. However, costs may vary according to the services.

Complete dog grooming takes up to 90 minutes. According to the services, you can check our website for the time required for grooming sessions. 

Full cat grooming takes up to 90 minutes. According to the services, you can check our website for the time required for grooming sessions. 

Dog grooming in Malvyanagr, Delhi, charges range from Rs. 750 to 1150 depending on the services you avail. You can visit the Pampers website to learn about the exclusive packages for dog grooming.

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