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How to groom a Cocker Spaniel at home

Cocker Spaniels are stunning dogs and are one of the most popular dog breeds. When it comes to dog grooming, these dog breeds are also considered one of the most high-maintenance dog breeds.

The dog has a long coat and severe skin concerns, so it requires more cleaning, brushing, and trimming than other dog breeds. As a result, cocker spaniels require more attention and grooming.

Grooming your cocker spaniel may appear difficult, but this article will help you get started with the appropriate products and methods.

About the Cocker Spaniel Dog Breed

Because of its huge brown eyes, long, silky ears, and smooth floating coat, the Cocker Spaniel dog is also known as Lady from “Lady and the Tramp.”

These dogs are sociable, joyful, and lively, and they enjoy playing, going for walks, and spending time with their family. Formerly known as hunting dogs, these dogs are now more likely to compete in conformation, obedience, and agility competitions.

Cocker spaniel dogs prefer to be social and do not like being alone, which leads to problems such as barking, digging, and chewing.

Furthermore, because a cocker spaniel cannot sit still, you can understand how tough it is to groom a cocker spaniel at home. But, if you follow the methods below, you will be able to groom your cocker spaniel at home with ease.

Steps to Groom Cocker Spaniel at Home

Grooming your cocker spaniel is crucial for their health and hygiene, and it provides an excellent time to bond with your dog while also making them look lovely. Whether you have an adult cocker spaniel or a puppy, the grooming regimen is the same for both.

  1. Gather Grooming Tools

Grooming a cocker spaniel is a difficult chore, but it is doable with the appropriate tools and crucial supplies. Let’s take a look at some of the key equipment you’ll need to begin grooming your cocker spaniel.

Get high-quality grooming pieces of equipment

The cocker spaniel’s coat is tough to groom due to the volume of hair on its coat and the high chance of getting matted and tangled. As a result, you should invest in high-quality grooming products that will allow you to obtain the desired look for your dog’s coat while also reducing the risk of injury caused by poor-quality tools. 

  • A large pin brush
  • A matting comb
  • Wide-toothed combs
  • Clippers and blades (10 blades, 15 blades, and 3 3/4 blades)
  • Grooming scissors
  • Thinning shears

Grooming scissors and thinning shears will assist you in doing more detailed trimmings of the dog’s hair. While scissors will be used for foot and back leg feathering, thinning shears will be used to blend uneven hair around the shoulders, back leg feathering, and chest.

  • Get dog shampoo and conditioner

Use high-quality shampoo and conditioner, as with other grooming supplies, to keep your dog’s skin and coat clean and healthy. There are numerous shampoos on the market, some of which are designed to treat specific skin issues. If you are unclear about which shampoo to use, consult with your veterinarian to determine what is best for your dog.

But, choosing the best dog shampoo will take some trial and error. Furthermore, cocker spaniels are prone to skin disorders that cause their coats to get greasy, so consult your veterinarian to decide on the finest shampoo and conditioner for your dog’s skin condition.

  • Get other grooming essentials

You will need to clean your cocker spaniel’s ears and eyes, clip its nails, and brush its teeth in addition to caring for its coat and hair. Therefore you’ll need these items to finish grooming your dog.

You will want an ear-cleaning solution capable of removing wax buildup from your dog’s ears. Similarly, you’ll need a dog-safe soap to clean the dog’s eyes. You will also need a Guillotine-style nail clipper, which is a better product for clipping a dog’s nails. They vary from human nail cutters in that they do not compress the nail before cutting it.

You’ll also need styptic powder to halt the bleeding if you cut the quickly when clipping nails. You will need dog-specific toothpaste and a dog-specific toothbrush to brush the dog’s teeth.

  1. Grooming Cocker Spaniel’s Coat

To keep their cocker spaniel dogs looking gorgeous, many owners maintain their hair short. Nonetheless, frequent grooming is still required to keep the dog’s coat healthy and sanitary. Also, if your cocker spaniel is a show dog, you might consider expert dog grooming. You can groom the rest of the cocker spaniels on your own.

  • Brush and comb your dog’s hair

Brushing and combing can be done with a pin brush and a matting or wide-toothed comb. This will assist you in getting rid of shedding hair and matted fur before bathing. Because the cocker spaniel dog has two coat layers, one undercoat and one outside coat, make sure to brush and comb both coats.

If the undercoat is not groomed, it becomes more prone to becoming unclean and matted. Begin brushing from the dog’s neck and work your way down his legs in the direction of hair development.

Comb the dog’s hair to detangle it, and if necessary, use scissors to cut out the matted hair. When cutting the hair, take care not to make it uneven with the rest of the coat.

  • Bathe your cocker spaniel

Cocker Spaniels like bathing, so this will be fun for both of you. Also, if your dog has skin issues, avoid excessively scrubbing the fur and skin.

Bathing a cocker spaniel every three months is recommended, as frequent bathing might wipe out the natural oils that keep their skin and hair healthy.

  • Trim your dog’s face, head, and neck

Start clipping below the dog’s bottom eyelid with a 10 or 15-blade clipper and work your way down to the snout against the direction of hair development.

Because Cocker spaniels have large floppy ears, simply pull and hold his ear back on top of his head. Begin trimming near his ear opening and work your way down to his lips.

Finally, proceed to the dog’s upper lips and trim the hair beneath his upper lips. The hair in this area can become damp and unclean from mucus, thus it is critical to maintaining it short and clean.

  • Trim the hair on the dog’s feet

Clippers should not be used to trim the dog’s feet. Simply take one hand and comb the dog’s hair in the direction of hair development. Gently cut the hair down to the top of the toes with scissors.

Cut the hair around the pad in a circular motion, being careful not to clip the paw pad with your scissors. After you’ve finished trimming, the hair should still cover the toes.

  1. Grooming other parts of your dog

This is the final step in your cocker spaniel’s grooming routine. Taking care of the dog’s ears, eyes, nails, and teeth is included.

  • Trim the dog’s nails

Clipping your dog’s nails is an essential element of canine maintenance. Cut the nails in small increments until you see the quick, which is the live section of the dog’s nails. If your dog has lighter nails, the quick is seen. Yet, when it comes to darker nails, be cautious when cutting them.

If you cut the quick by accident, it will bleed, so dab some styptic powder on the nail to stop the bleeding.

  • Clean the dog’s eyes

You should examine your dog’s eyes on a regular basis, and if you notice a lot of buildup around your dog’s eyes, you should clean and remove it. Use a small quantity of dog soap and warm water on a towel to gently wipe the eyes while cleaning them.

  • Clean the dog’s ears

Cocker spaniels are prone to ear infections due to excessive wax buildup. As a result, it should be cleansed once a week, and the ears should be cleaned with an ear-cleaning solution to eliminate wax.

Also, if your dog’s ears have a bad odour, it is likely to have an infection, which your doctor may diagnose and treat with an ear drop solution.

  • Brush the dog’s teeth

Brushing your dog’s teeth every other day is recommended to maintain them clean. Help your dog feel at ease before brushing his teeth by stroking your finger around his teeth with a toothpaste he likes.

Scrub the teeth in short intervals for around 5 minutes with a dog toothbrush. If you are having difficulty brushing your dog’s teeth, you can seek the assistance of your veterinarian, who can teach you the right method.


Cocker Spaniels have long, silky coats that require more upkeep than other breeds. Regular grooming treatments will help keep their dual coats healthy and attractive. Grooming a Cocker Spaniel includes brushing their fur, trimming their nails, washing, and cleaning their enormous ears.


How often should you groom your Cocker Spaniel?

You should groom your Cocker Spaniel every three days to keep them looking neat and tidy. If you live near the countryside and enjoy taking your Cocker Spaniel on long walks, you may need to brush them more frequently than every three days.

When should you groom your Cocker Spaniel?

Grooming Cocker Spaniels at any age is a soothing experience for them that will help you bond with your Cocker Spaniel puppy and, more importantly, will get them used to being handled in preparation for comprehensive grooming as they become older. They will begin to acquire feathering at 6 months of age, at which point you can begin properly brushing your Cocker Spaniel.

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