How to Take Care of a Betta Fish

How To Care for Your Betta Fish 1

Betta fish, also known as Siamese fighting fish, are very vibrant in colour with unique feathers, which makes them a popular pet fish for fish lovers. These small fishes have unique personalities and are popular freshwater fish, famous for their impressive appearance. Betta fish are found in Southeast Asia countries like Vietnam and Thailand, and what makes betta fish more special is their ability to breathe in poor oxygen waters. If you’re thinking of buying yourself this incredible Fish, then follow the guidelines we mentioned below for new fish parents.

Essential things to know about Betta fish before buying it:

  • Betta fish only live for three years.
  • These fishes can grow up to 3 inches.
  • The critical thing to remember is Betta fishes are very aggressive.
  • Betta fishes are great pets for beginners because this Fish doesn’t take a lot of space to live.

How can I set up a tank for Betta Fish?

Setting up an ideal tank for your Betta fish is most important; here we mentioned step by step guide for you:

  • Aquarium Selection: Betta fishes need a tank which can hold at least 11 litres of water with a heater and cleaning filter. The aquarium should be situated at the nearest power source and away from direct sunlight. Choose a big tank with a lid cover to secure your Betta from jumping outside the tank, as Betta fishes are also good jumpers.
  • Water Temperature: Always checking your water temperature is critical, as Betta fishes are equatorial. They need a consistent temperature between 79 –80 degrees Fahrenheit. Always use a good quality water heater to maintain this temperature.
  • Aquarium Lighting: Betta fishes don’t require high lighting and may prefer dim lights to reduce stress. 
  • Maintenance: Regularly clean the tank and equipment to prevent harmful substances like Ammonia (Nh3).
  • Aquarium Mates: As you know, Betta fishes are very aggressive; they are happy to live alone, but if you try to keep them with other fishes, they find a cooperative species with lots of hiding spots in the aquarium.
  • Feeding Habits: You can use high-quality Betta pellets or live foods for feeding your Betta. Never overfeed your Betta fish, as it may lead them to health problems.
  • Decoration: Add tunnels or aquatic plants with hiding spots that will help your Betta to spend their alone time.
  • Filter System: Always use a high-quality filter with a low flow rate to keep water fresh without disturbing the Fish. Betta fishes prefer calm water flow.
  • Under Layer: Always use smooth sand or aquarium gravel to make a suitable environment for your Betta fish. Avoid sharp material for underlayers as they can hurt your fish fins.
  • Water Quality: You can regularly check the water parameters because Betta fishes are susceptible to water conditions, so always ensure the water flowing in the tank is well cleaned.
  • Interaction: You can spend time with your Fish by observing their behaviour and personality, And for interacting with your Fish, you can offer them live foods.

Read More: How to set up tank for new turtle or tortoise

How Can I Introduce my Betta Fish to their new tank?

Once you bring your fish home, place the Fish in the bag inside the aquarium; it will help the Fish to get used to the new temperature. You can also use a net for transferring your Betta to his forever home. Always remember, when you move your Fish in your tank, do not spill any water from the old bag. When you add new Fish to your tank, it will change the chemical balance of the water, so you should always check the water’s ammonia and nitrate levels.

Does Betta Need any vet Visits?

If your Betta shows any of the symptoms we mentioned below, then take them to the vet immediately:

  1. Appetite reducing
  2. Fins cracked to the sides
  3. Swelling in the abdominal area
  4. Hurt fins by sharp objects
  5. Discoloration of fin and skin

Some Safety Tips For Your Betta!

Ensuring the safety of your Betta fish is the responsibility of any Betta owner; this beautiful Fish requires more care than other Fish for a long life span. As we know, Betta fishes originate from the tropical waters of Asian countries, with a slow flow of water and shallow waters. Their unique characteristics, like bright colours and delicate fin designs, have made them popular among fish lovers. However, maintaining a safe and secure environment for your pet is very important. These are some tips you can follow for keeping safe your Betta Fish:

  • Buying an appropriate tank with covering lids is a good safety option for keeping them safe to jump outside the tank.
  • Always check the water condition and pH level of your tank.
  • Use a gentle filter with a flowing rate to keep the aquarium water clean without disturbing the peace of your Betta fish.
  • Never overfeed your Betta fish because it will cause health problems.
  • Using smooth substances will help you to keep your Betta Fish from any injuries.
  • Never try to catch Betta Fish with your hands; always use a wet and soft net to transfer the Betta Fish to another aquarium.
  • Always quarantine new plants or fishes before introducing them to your aquarium. It will help you to prevent any transmission of disease in your aquarium.

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What Should I Feed My Betta Fish?

You can use a Betta Fish Pellet 1-2 times daily, and also, some dry shrimps and tubifex worms are an excellent supplement for your Betta Fish; as we know, Betta fishes are carnivore species.


Buying a Betta fish is a beautiful and joyous moment full of responsibility. When you can do proper care, it will help your betta fish to lead a healthy and joyful partner. By understanding the needs of Betta fish, you can set up better environment tanks. The correct size of the tank, filter machine and temperature or water quality of each device are essential for keeping the tank environment according to the needs of Betta fish. Adding hiding spots and aquatic plants will help them to get comfortable with their new tank. Avoiding to group them with other fishes is essential because of the Betta fish nature.

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