Pet Grooming at Home in Nariman Point, Mumbai

No Hidden Price

Same Day Booking

Trained Staff

24*7 Support
Lowest Price & Satisfaction Guaranteed

Dog Grooming Packages in Nariman Point, Mumbai
Get the best dog grooming service at your home in Nariman Point. Our professional groomers have groomed over 10000+ dogs and cats in India. Our groomer comes to your home with all the equipment needed and will groom your pet in the premises you provided by you. After the grooming, they will clean up the area to its original condition.

Fresh Pack
- Bathing & Combing
- Nail Clipping
- Ear & Eye Cleaning
- Conditioning
- Paw Massage
- Mouth Spray
- Powder & Perfume
- Drying
Pampered Pack
- Minor Hair Cut
- Bathing & Combing
- Nail Clipping
- Conditioning
- Ear & Eye Cleaning
- Paw Massage
- Mouth Spray
- Powder & Perfume
Full Grooming
- Hair Cut & Styling
- Bathing & Combing
- Nail Clipping
- Conditioning
- Ear & Eye Cleaning
- Paw Massage
- Mouth Spray
- Powder & Perfume
Hair Cut Only
- Dog Hair Cut
- Nail Clipping
- Ear Cleaning
- Eye Cleaning
- Mouth Spray
- Powder & Perfume

Cat Grooming Packages in Nariman Point, Mumbai
Get best cat grooming packages in Nariman Point, Mumbai. Patmypets has groomed more than 10,000 pets in India. You can book an appointment to relax and watch your pet happy and refreshed.

Fresh Meow Pack
- Cat Bathing & Combing
- Conditioning
- Cat Blow Drying
- Spirtz of Perfume
- Cat Teeth Cleaning
- Cat Nail Clipping
- Cat Paw Massage
- Cat Combing/Brushing
- Cat Ear & Eyes Cleaning
- Cat Mouth Spray
- Cat Sanitary cleaning
Pampered Meow Pack
- Cat Hair Cut at Home
- Conditioning
- Cat Blow Drying
- Spirtz of Perfume
- Cat Teeth Cleaning
- Cat Nail Clipping
- Cat Paw Massage
- Cat Combing/Brushing
- Cat Ear & Eyes Cleaning
- Cat Mouth Spray
- Cat Sanitary cleaning
- Anti Tick Bath
Cat Hair Cut Only
- Cat Hair Cut Only
- Nail Clipping
- Under Paw Trimming
- Mouth Spray
- Powder Perfume

How Does Pet Grooming at Home Works in Nariman Point, Mumbai
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Pet Grooming in Nariman Point, Mumbai Near You
Pet grooming services at Home in Nariman Point, Mumbai, come into their own when caring for our beloved dogs & cats, providing peace of mind by offering them the best pet grooming sessions in the comfort of home. Taking our pets every week to the groomer just isn’t feasible or convenient enough – that’s where pet grooming services at home come into play!
Patmypets’ pet grooming at home provides multiple advantages over visiting an external groomer such as a pet grooming salon.
There are numerous advantages to using professional pet grooming services at home in Mumbai, such as easy scheduling time with access to professional services at your own home.
Benefits include lower pet grooming rates when visiting a professional service such as these services over taking your pet to a groomer regularly and receiving more personalized attention.
Benefits of Booking pet grooming appointment at home in Nariman Point
There are numerous benefits associated with using such a service; here are some advantages a professional pet grooming service provides.
First and foremost, grooming at home is much more convenient. No more appointments to make or arriving on time; plus, you’ll save money using this service at home!
At-home pet grooming services also have another great benefit for owners: getting to know your groomer better. By using an in-home service, the groomer can get acquainted with your and your pet’s individual personalities and needs to provide optimal care.
How can I find a Pet groomer near me in Nariman Point?
How can I locate an affordable pet grooming service near Nariman Point? Ask friends and family members for recommendations; also, use online directories like Google to search. When you find some services that look promising, read reviews before selecting your chosen provider.