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Getting a high breed dog is no a difficult job anymore. The people are opting for dog breeding online to get a lovely and caring pet of their choice. Dog breeding is a quite popular business now. Many people do this business and now it has got the online platform to make it more widespread. There is no trouble of searching. People can avail all these facilities online now.

All you need to do is to search through the online platform to gather maximum information about it. Just type Dog breeding near me in the search box and you will get thousands of options to choose the one you are searching for. Moreover, there are some websites that provides the facility to the buyers to search for dog breeds alphabetically. But before you start keeping a dog, it is important that you should be properly aware of the different aspects dog keeping. Here, in this blog, you will get some important information related to dog breeding.[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section i_icon_fontawesome=”fas fa-paw” add_icon=”true” title=”Process” tab_id=”1611427488398-162a0b91-4cb8″][vc_column_text]

How is this process of dog breeding?

Well, dog breeding is a joyous process but it is a job of big responsibility. In order to make it happen the right way, you need careful planning as well as preparation. However, if one follows a wrong procedure, it may give negative results such as your puppy may suffer from various types of health problems. Puppies should be given great care and for this, it is important to search for a professional dog breeder who holds experience in this field.

Key things to take into consideration for dog breeding

So you want to breed a puppy, well, that’s not a problem. It is really a delightful experience to see new cute little puppies coming into this world. You need to follow some basic principles to ensure that you only bring new puppies into this world where they can stay healthy and happy. Each littler must bring an improvement to its parents which means you have to take into consideration some important issues like health issues, temperament, soundness etc. before breeding takes place. You need to make a plan ahead for mating so that you can give an optimum environment to your pets.

You also need to be confident enough to take all responsibilities for the puppies that born to your dog, even if they go to new owners. You should give proper assistance to them such as dog training. Their food habits to ensure their proper care. If there arises any kind of problem, you have to take back a dog.

Check out some dog breeding tips for beginners

Here, in this section, you will come to know about some very useful dog breeding tips for the beginners. Dog breeding is a time-consuming matter. It potentially costly as well as require sufficient knowledge. Before you start breeding, it is important that you ensure you have all kinds of resources to make it happen properly.

What you need?

  • Time

You should give enough time to the dam and all the care that she needs at this time. The first eight weeks are vital for new born puppies. You should keep an eye to observe whether there is any sign of infection in the mother and therefore, you must keep the whelping box always fresh and clear. Along with this, you also need to ensure vet checks and give them a calm and quite atmosphere when the puppies are tiny.

If there any problem takes place such as the dam does not produce sufficient amount of milk for the puppies, the breeding process will become more time-consuming as you have to find foster mother or some other kinds of milk replacement products.

  • Money

You must arrange money to cover veterinary costs such as vaccinations, pre-breeding tests, attendance during birth time etc. In some worst cases, it may require to deliver the pups by caesarean section or the dam may get some kind of infections. The best way to avoid such costs and hefty vet bills is to take out pet insurance. It is the best option for the pet owners. By availing this policy, you can save money and also get the assurance that you have the proper coverage you need.

  • Knowledge

You must have proper knowledge about how to provide support to your dog during whelping and pregnancy including understanding the signs when you need veterinary assistance. You have to make all arrangements to keep the bitch and her puppies healthy. Knowledge about dog breeding process is required to make that thing the right way.

How to choose the right stud?

Choosing a stud is a difficult task. There are plenty of options available in the market but you need to choose the one that have a pedigree and it is compatible with your dog. Before breeding, it is important that the stud should be checked for inherited diseases.

You can always choose to have a crossbreed puppy. In fact, some of the mixed breed dogs are quite popular such as labradoodle, the cockapoo, the Goberian and so on. All these are mixed breed dogs. However, it is hard to predict the temperament and size of crossbreed dogs and their deliveries can also be at high risk that may even lead to caesarean section.

Once you are confirm that the bitch and the stud you have selected are suitable enough and you have enough resources required, it’s time to start the breeding process. A bitch is suitable for breeding when she is above one year of age and has at least one normal season. Most of the bitches come on heat twice in a year. The age at which the bitches come into season for the first time can be two years old. However, in some cases, a vet is required to carry out some kind of hormonal testing to find out the best date for the bitch trying to mate. The bitches will be in whelp for almost 63 days.[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section i_icon_fontawesome=”fas fa-paw” add_icon=”true” title=”Benefits” tab_id=”1611427496958-a111c835-02be”][vc_column_text]

What are the benefits associated with dog breeding?

There are a lot of benefits of dog breeding. In this section of the blog, we will discuss about those points –

  • It helps to advance the breed

Not all dog breeders do this task for earning money. There are many dog breeders who do this service just because they love dogs and they are passionate about developing a new breed.

  • Get to work with the man’s best friend

Anyone who is thinking of starting a dog breeding business must have love for dogs. Dog breeding makes your favorite pet more responsible, compassionate and caring to her master and this brings a great joy.

  • New breeds

Dog breeding results in new breeds which further entices our love for dogs, whether you agree or not, the rise of mixed breed dogs have created a craze among people to have it as a pet. In fact, they have enabled many people who were not felt comfortable enough to live with a dog due to allergies or some other reason. But now, they are also enjoying the company of a new fur friend.

  • Responsible dog ownership

Breeders can encourage responsible pet parents. You can do this easily by sharing your knowledge with the breed, ensuring the owners are good match and staying in touch with can answer to any of your question.[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section i_icon_fontawesome=”fas fa-paw” add_icon=”true” title=”Consequences” tab_id=”1611427498261-fb5eca72-0be7″][vc_column_text]

Consequences associated with dog breeding

There is no miracle exists in dog breeding. It should be performed by someone who is willing to learn as well as smart, then the activity will be done the right way. Such types of breeders produce champions or you can say healthy dogs with great temperaments. On the other hand, if the breeder is a profit obsessed then this may not produce fruitful result.

If you choose a professional dog breeder, then the consequences will be great. So, the selection of the breeder should be done very carefully.

Why dog breeding is a great option?

Specializing breeds

One of the reasons why dog breeding can be beneficial is specialized dog breeding. The practice should be done selectively and naturally. If you use specialized breeding, you can produce the dogs with desired traits and remove unwanted genetic traits. Therefore, it can be said without any doubt that specialized breeding reinforce specific skills in dogs.

The breeding of dogs has been going on for a long time and it provides great benefit as it helps an entire society. For example, hunting dogs, police dogs etc. are all said to be specialized skill dogs. These types of specialized breeds help the world around them and therefore, all credit foes to the professional breeders who perform selective breeding of dogs.

Create new breeds

Creating new kind of breed is an exciting as well as a worthy reason for dogs as it helps fulfilling the needs of a modern society. Dog breeding is no doubt a lengthy process and can take several litters for narrowing down the genetic traits which you would like to see in new breed. There are many new breeds that have been created over a period of 50 years due to the changing needs of the world.

Pushing nature’s limits

Human selection of dog breeding has brought some new type of dogs to the world which has taken this entire process to the next level. Nature mainly focuses on evaluation and health. But humans have the traits of pushing limits that have both advantages as well as disadvantages. Selective breeding procedure can be beneficial but it has drawbacks. Dog breeding is a visually pleasing but it may create some health problems for the dogs. Therefore, you must have proper arrangements to make it happen the right way.

Improving dogs is said to be one of the most important advantages associated with artificial selection of dog breeding. It has been developed for the desired genetic traits which can improve the breed of dog and create a new one with specialized skills and personality[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][/vc_tta_tabs][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]

Frequently Asked Questions For Dog Breeding

[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_toggle title=”1. What is the best age to breed a dog?”]Answer: Smaller dogs can be bred at 6 months whereas older dog breeding should wait until 18 months. Male dogs can breed between the time duration of 6 to 12 months of age. Female dogs must be bred later than male dogs.[/vc_toggle][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_toggle title=”2. How much time it takes for a dog to have puppies after a successful bred?”]Answer: Pregnancy in dogs is also known as gestation period and a dog give puppies after 63 days.[/vc_toggle][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_toggle title=”3. How breeding exactly works?”]Answer: dogs basically give birth in a whelping box which is a simple box that is provided to dam for shelter and where she can keep her puppies. A person who mate dogs intentionally to produce puppies is known as dog breeder.[/vc_toggle][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_toggle title=”4. Do male dogs get old to breed?”]Answer: To speak theoretically, a healthy male dog can produce litters until it reaches old age. Most of the male dogs retire after 10 to 12 years. However, sperm quality is important and it is found to be lower in older dogs.[/vc_toggle][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_toggle title=”5. How many times should a dog tie during breeding?”]Answer: Once is enough for a dog to tie during breeding.[/vc_toggle][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_toggle title=”6. How do you if a dog is mating successfully?”]Answer: Allowing both male and female dogs to have mat more than one session over a period of few days is enough to ensure a successful mating, A sign of successful mating is when a male and female dog readily accepts each other and tied together.[/vc_toggle][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_toggle title=”7. Is it legal to breed dogs at home?”]Answer: Yes, in India as well as in other countries, dog breeding is a legal activity as long as the breeder is not found guilty of any kind of animal cruelty. Dog breeding laws in India are not rigid.[/vc_toggle][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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